Global independent music group [PIAS] has revealed that its streaming income topped revenue from downloads in 24 countries in 2014.
In a new post on on the [PIAS] blog, the company’s commercial operations manager James Howdle explains that last year saw more money coming from streaming than iTunes in territories including France, The Netherlands, Spain, Brazil, Poland and Portugal.
“I certainly expect streaming will overtake downloads in the next two years in the UK market,” writes Howdle. “It’s hard to say how that will then compare to physical CDs, which continue to be the biggest single format for driving revenue in the territory.
“There seems to be potential in markets like the UK for a co-existence model of physical ownership and streaming and I think that we will see digital market share keep growing.”
Streaming income overtook downloads for the whole industry in France last year, generating €73m.
As well as issuing its own music from the likes of Editors and Agnes Obel, [PIAS] works with labels including Heavenly, Wichita, Nuclear Blast, Mute and Infectious/BMG.
The full list of countries named by Howdle where streaming topped downloads in 2014 were: France, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Greece, Turkey, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan and Malaysia.Music Business Worldwide