The MBW Database

Spotify: How many artists have released more than 10 tracks on the service? (2023)

Spotify‘s Loud & Clear website, which is annually updated, contains a bundle of fascinating information about the fortunes of artists on the service.

The 2024 update of Loud & Clear – based on annual 2023 data – reported that there were approximately 10 million music artists with tracks on the service at the close of 2023.

Of those 10 million artists, approximately 8 million (!) had fewer than 10 tracks available on Spotify.

Furthermore, Spotify reported that just 235,000 artists had both more than 10 tracks available on the platform AND more than 10,000 monthly listeners in 2023.

You can see visual data representations of these stats below. We’ve also posted the text segment from the 2024 Loud & Clear update that contained the stats.